I SO know how it is… you busted your butt to get through law school. Then you busted your butt even more to land that “awesome” corporate lawyer job. But it didn’t take you long to decide I want out. And that’s why I made this video on Alternative Careers for Lawyers!
In my latest video, you’ll discover 10 jobs or opportunities that are perfect alternative careers for lawyers. Five of them are in the legal community, and 5 are not.
Watch now! Alternative Careers for Lawyers
This video is for those of you who are leaving law because you’re tired of being a lawyer due to lawyer burnout and lawyer stress There are lots of jobs for burned out lawyers and jobs for lawyers leaving law and many make great second careers for lawyers.
But if you’re a burned out attorney (trust me, I know how this feels!), then one option when you finally do that “quit lawyer” thing is to create a freedom based business and leave the stress behind. It opens up great options for second careers for retired lawyers and even for younger lawyers who are ready to leave law and move onto something else
So now you have it… 10 alternative careers for lawyers to help you get out of what’s making you miserable. I’ve been there, done that!
And please check in with me on social media. I’d love to connect!
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thefreedomstrategy/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thefreedomstrategy/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/StrategyFreedom
Website: https://thefreedomstrategy.com/
Video Link: https://youtu.be/_gtRlJfXA1w